How You Can Easily Spot Your Little One’s Sleep Cues

When we have a baby we don’t always expect all the different ways we will need to take care of them. One of those ways is being aware of their sleepy cues, which is very important - especially for a newborn - because it can prevent them from becoming overtired. When a little one becomes overtired it can make life hard for everyone in the family. It may create a vicious cycle that can be difficult to get out of - not something most people want to put themselves through. I know from experience that it is a rough thing to have to deal with and I don’t wish it upon any parent! Therefore, in this blog I want to help you become aware of early sleep cues so you can better spot them in your little one!

Why It’s Important to Learn Early Sleep Cues

Understanding and learning your little one’s sleep cues are especially important when it involves a newborn because they do not have a circardian rhythm yet. That won’t develop until they are about 3-4 months old, so it’s important to learn their early sleep cues which will in turn help you to determine naps and bedtime in prevention of them becoming overtired. This can also be helpful to know with older children who may seem totally fine (we call that a “second wind”) when in all actuality they are past being sleepy and now are overtired. When you can spot your child’s sleep cues you can ensure they don’t get to that point - making life easier for everyone!

Early Sleep Cues

Early sleep cues will look different for every child, that’s why it’s important for you to pay attention to and learn your own child’s individual sleep cues. It is important to know that every child displays their tired signs differently and they may show all of these signs or they may only show one, unfortunately a small amount of little one’s may show no symptoms at all (bless those parents). Sometimes a little one will show these signs when they are actually hungry, bored or teething as well so that’s why it is valuable to be alert of your little one’s sleep signs and make sure they are present consistently to be sure they are in fact sleep cues and nothing else.

Some of these signs are (but not limited to):

  • yawning

  • fluttering their eyelids/not being able to focus - they may even go cross eyed or stare into space

  • pink/red eyebrows and/or eyes

  • pulling at their ears

  • looking worried/frowning

  • becoming cranky/fussy

  • grizzling

  • closing their fists

  • rubbing their eyes

  • arching backwards or making jerky arm/leg movements

All babies will have a natural dip in their energy level around 1-1.5 hours of being awake and can start yawning or grizzling, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they are quite ready for sleep yet. Stay as close to your little one’s awake time as you can. This will prevent them from being under tired as well, which can cause a set of it’s own issues. When a little one is put to sleep before they are truly ready for it this will cause them to take only a short nap, which usually results in the whole day being messed up sleep wise. You can try to give your little one a second wind, to ensure they can make it to their awake time, by switching up their activity - change their diaper, get some fresh air, let them spend some time without their diaper on, do some tummy time, play with a new toy, etc.

What can be done…

Once you see that your little one is in fact displaying true sleep cues, it is important to act quickly - especially if you are dealing with a newborn. A newborn can go from just being sleepy to overtired faster than my toddler can run away from me in the grocery store (about .5 of a second in case you’re wondering). When you see the sleep cues, start their nap or bedtime routine right away and then lay them in their crib so they can drift off into sleep!

If you found this blog to be beneficial, then please share it so other parents - especially one’s with newborns - can read it! If you want more content like this, you would love my Facebook group called Sleep Little One where I give FREE weekly tips and advice to exhausted or expecting parents just like yourself. Come join us!!

If you are looking for a more personalized 1:1 sleep plan and help from me that is directed to your individual family, then check out my Packages page and then Contact me so we can get started and get you on the road to better sleep!

Thanks so much for reading and until next time - take care of yourselves!


Understanding Your Little One’s 3 Wake Zones


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