Running Late for the Bedtime Routine? Here’s What You Can Do!

If you’re anything like me, you find yourself running late for the bedtime or nap time routine with your little one more times than you’d like to admit. It doesn’t happen all the time, but there are definitely times where I think I have more time than I actually do and I end up running late with my schedule. I’ll think it’s no problem if we go out for dinner at 5 PM at a very busy restaurant on a Friday night, I’ll be able to get everything done on time! Only to find out - once again - I was wrong. I could give so many more examples of stories similar to that situation and the sad part is I know I’m not alone on this!

The thing is, when we are running around trying to rush a bedtime routine it can be frustrating. It can actually make the bedtime/nap time routine the very opposite of what it should be: exhausting and overwhelming. A bedtime/nap time routine shouldn’t be overwhelming, frustrating or exhausting - for you or your little one. It should be calming, soothing and relaxing. It should help your little one wind down for sleep and be able to drift off into sleep easily and it should help you to wind down for the night also.

Running Late for the Bedtime Routine? Do You Skip Steps or Shorten Them?

The answer to that question is that we shorten the steps. When you are running behind, the last thing you want to do is cause more stress for yourself and the simple way to avoid that is to shorten the bedtime routine steps. If you skip steps it can cause confusion and mess things up mentally for your little one. A consistent bedtime routine has many benefits for your little one, including that it helps to reinforce their circadian rhythm which can help them to fall asleep easier and stay asleep. For a newborn, it can also really help them sort out when it is daytime and when it is nighttime - or what we call, day/night confusion. If we skip steps altogether, this can actually cause your little one to not process bedtime the way that they normally would. For example, if they are used to having a bath before bed (which is very calming and relaxing) and that is skipped altogether, it can cause them to not get into the same mind frame they normally would before bedtime. Bedtime will feel more rushed and confusing to them and they may not be able to settle as easily as they normally do. If you simply shorten the steps instead, they are still processing that this means it’s bedtime and are able to mentally prepare themselves for sleep. For example, if you usually do a 15 minute bath, shorten it to a 5-10 minute bath, that way they are still getting the steps they need to wind down even if it’s much shorter. One thing to remember: the bedtime routine shouldn’t be rushed, even if you’re shortening steps, so keep that in mind as you’re going through the routine.

When Can The Bedtime Routine Start?

There is no be all or end all for this answer - you can start the bedtime routine whenever works for you! If you wanna start it the day after your little one is born, then so be it! I would say it is best to start around 6-8 weeks, but you are welcome to start whenever you’d like. The bedtime/nap time routine doesn’t have to be anything long and drawn out, by any means. When your little one is a newborn, it can be short and sweet - around 10-15 minutes or so. When your little one gets bigger, you can add more things to it and it can be a bit longer, usually around 20-30 minutes long.

What Does The Bedtime Routine Consist Of?

The bedtime/nap time routine is totally dependent on the age and temperament of your little one. You have to come up with a routine that you know works for them and will assist the in winding down and being settled for sleep. The bedtime and nap time routine should be a calming, relaxing event though, so make sure you aren’t doing anything that would cause them to become hyper or active (such as tickles or watching a tv show).

Here is an example of a typical bedtime routine:

  • Dinner or a milk feed if your little one isn’t eating solids yet - or both

  • A calm, relaxing (bubble) bath

  • Brush teeth

  • A gentle massage

  • Get into PJ’s

  • Read a book (let your little one pick the book if they are willing and able)

  • Diaper change or potty time

  • Turn on white noise machine

  • Get them into their sleep sack/swaddle

  • Lay them in their crib

  • Sing a song and/or say your simple sleep phrase (“it’s sleepy time now, I love you, goodnight”)

  • Turn off the lights and shut their bedroom door

The bedtime routine doesn’t need to be rushed or overwhelming - even if you are running late! It is much easier on everyone involved if you can simply shorten the bedtime/nap time routine steps instead of skipping them. Keeping a consistent bedtime routine do so many wonderful things for your little one, including: it can help your little one wind down before bedtime, it can help them feel soothed and relaxed which allows them to drift off into sleep much easier, it can teach them self-care, it can help promote cognitive skills such as memory, attention and others. So, be sure to stick to the bedtime/nap time routine and shorten the steps if you are running late! Trust me, in the end you’ll be thankful you did!

If you liked this blog, be sure to share it with other parents who may find it helpful! If you want more content like this, you would love my Facebook group called Sleep Little One where I give weekly tips and advice to exhausted parents looking to improve their little one’s sleep. I hope to see you over there!

Looking for something more? I also offer individualized, 1:1 plans for sleep that are based off the needs of your baby and their specific temperament, needs and concerns. I offer amazing packages that will be sure to help your little one get back on track with sleep. If you would like to get started, contact me! Let’s get you on the road to better sleep!

Talk soon and thanks for reading!


What To Do If Your Little One Has A Crappy Nap Day


Why Parents Need A Bedtime Routine Too